المعجم الوسيط

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Al-Waseet Dictionary is an Arabic dictionary published by the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo, fifth edition in 2011, and it consists of one part.VisionThe Arabic Language Academy considered that one of the most important means is to develop a dictionary that provides the reader and intellectual with the linguistic materials he needs, in a clear, accessible, and easy-to-understand style. It was agreed that this dictionary would be called the “Intermediate Dictionary,” and the Academy assigned a committee of its members to compile this dictionary. This dictionary was drawn up after being guided by what was approved by the Council of the Academy and its conference regarding new cultural terms, or new terms introduced or transferred, in various sciences and arts, or precise and clear scientific definitions of things.ContentThe dictionary materials were arranged, as is customary, according to alphabetical order. The approach taken by the Arabic Language Academy in arranging the dictionary’s articles is summarized as follows:Introduce verbs to nouns.Introducing the abstract to more verbs.Prioritizing the sensory meaning over the mental meaning, and the real meaning over the metaphorical one.Introducing the intransitive verb to the transitive verbDont forget to support us and keep us in your prayers